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Posts published in “Essays”

Covid & Me: I Was Bad, But I’ll Be Better

I was bad. I admit it and I’m sorry. On Thanksgiving, I joined a dozen or so friends and some strangers, too, for a feast. We sat outdoors on a farm. Sadly, we did not…

Notes from Here, There & Nowhere

Ukiah is a city of 16,000 with a median household income of $47,000.  This is what some city employees earn in a year, including benefits, overtime pay, “extra” pay and whatever coins they find under…

A Banquet of Abundance

A Year in Review: Makahiki / Arrival / Farewell to Max / Working on a Building / Hilo and Kehena / Ed's Party / The Search for Pele's Vagina / Makahiki Redux Makahiki Laurie is up…

2021 Has To Be Better

A year ago this week, I sat in a left corner seat in a school auditorium, watching as presidential candidate Andrew Yang yukked it up with teens at Concord High in New Hampshire. Yang was…

The Start of Something New?

In a recent article in The Atlantic, staff writer, George Packer, published an essay titled “A Political Obituary for Donald Trump.” The subtitle: “The effects of his reign will linger. But democracy survived.” In the…

The Pandemic Continues

From Fort Bragg: “The [pandemic] has taken a second start at this place as it has in similar other sections and some forty-five or fifty cases are reported. The Board of Health held a session…

What’s Wrong with KZYZ? (Everything)

(I asked Marco McClean why KZYX was always asking for money. MM being the county's premier radio guy with a thorough understanding of how radio works or doesn't work, who better to explain the KZYX…

Tale of Two American Deaths

When a close girlfriend was recently in the market for an “assisted living” facility for her husband of 40 years, I volunteered to check out a few places for her. Her husband, who I’ll call…

A Glimpse at Hell On Earth

While Mendocino County is experiencing a pandemic surge, it’s nowhere close to the dire circumstances in other parts of the state. So let’s take a quick look at how C-19 is ravaging the state of…
