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Posts published in “Essays”

Sold My Surfboard, Bought A Hound Dog

Twenty or so years ago those of my generation began reviewing their pensions and plotting their retirements.  Anywhere from San Diego to Vermont would do, or from Denver to Mexico. All were potential retirement destination…

An Ashen Voiced Anthem

One has come to accept, even perversely enjoy, the full foolish fury of America’s National Anthem as patriotic prelude to the country’s most brutal sports. Why not introduce the bone-crushing, brain-rattling hand-to-hand combat of football…

Burners & Black Opals

This ordinarily would be the time I’d be submitting a story to the AVA about being a senior citizen out on the playa in the midst of the Burning Man festival, but that didn’t happen…

9/11: An Exchange

Rye N Flint: 911 was an inside job and ritual sacrifice. Each action has an equal and opposite reaction. Doug Coulter: Your shrugging dismissal of evidence that proves two jet planes did not take down…

Portrait of a Marijuana Widow

War makes women into widows. In fact, war is called "the widow maker." Football also makes some women into widows, especially during football season, which has started once again with a vengeance in high schools,…

Peacock Perils

I am a mom through and through, and not just to my two kids Kodiak and Cassidy, who turned out to be wonderful human adults. I’m also mom to an array of rescued animals. The…

The Last Days of the Redwood Record

I was hanging around The Redwood Record in Garberville, California toward the end in 1995 and that place was a zoo: stoners, neurotics, alcoholics, and freaks — I guess I fit right in. There was…


“David and Nelson’s twin tombstones” is what Jack Newfield called the Twin Towers, which were rising steadily in the winter of 1970/71. They cast rectangular shadows over more and more of Lower Manhattan in the…

Melville, Our Contemporary

I spent a good part of August 1, 2019, the 200th anniversary of the birth of Herman Melville, by doing what every red-blooded American ought to have done: I re-read “Moby-Dick,” that “staggering work of…
