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Posts published in “Essays”

Props for the Proto Pipe

Proper respect for a product made in the USA — in Willits! — was conferred by the Los Angeles Times October 30.  Given the popularity of the 51-year-old device, reporter Adam Tschorn was amazed that he was…

When Fort Bragg Had a Real Railroad

One hundred years ago you could get on the California Western Railroad in Fort Bragg at 8:15 in the morning and ride the train to Eureka and arrive at 7:30 p.m. Two different trains provided…

The Omicron Variant

The news media has been buzzing with articles about a new COVID variant, B.1.1.529, which was first identified about two weeks ago in South Africa.  On November 26th, the World Health Organization (WHO) added it…

Dollars for Bums

I was on my way north to visit my mother in Tacoma and I stopped at a rest area in Oregon where I noticed the inevitable vet sitting on a walker with a big sign.…

Grace Hudson Art Comes Home

A prized collection of artist Grace Hudson’s paintings are returning home to Mendocino County in a unique agreement reached with the Palm Springs Art Museum in Southern California. The pact provides for the direct gift…

Housing and the Homeless in Berkeley

When Osha Neumann sees people living on the streets of Berkeley and Oakland he doesn’t feel a sense of hopelessness or powerlessness. Nor does he turn away, or want the homeless to disappear, become invisible…

Charlie Manson and, Inevitably, Ukiah

Finished a book on Charlie Manson, took a hot shower, had a stiff drink.  Who thought there was anything new to learn about the musty old Manson case? But for 20 years author Tom O’Neill…

Malcolm X at the Audubon Ballroom

Two men framed for killing Malcolm X on February 21, 1965, Muhammad Aziz and Khalil Islam, have been exonerated after all these years. On November 18 the New York Times played the story BIG  — a three-deck…

Corruption and the PUC

Redistricting Finalized At their special meeting on Thursday, Nov. 18, the Board of Supervisors unanimously put the final wrap on adjusting voting district populations and boundaries as required by federal law. Since summer a five-member…
