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Posts published in “Essays”

The Ukraine Is In My Blood and Body

I feel doubly or triply connected to the war in the Ukraine because my grandparents on my mother’s side of the family came from the Ukraine, escaped with their lives and little else, though they…

People in White Houses Shouldn’t Throw Roger Stones

A grizzled veteran hobbled by bad knees and addled in the head lies on the trainer’s table in the locker room while the Big Game rages out on the field of a state-of-the-art stadium packed…

Going Places: Sam Tidwell’s American Journey

I’m a walker, not a hiker, though my preference for walking over hiking hasn’t prevented me from admiring Sam Tidwell, who went on a long road trip, solo, soon after his 21st birthday and who…

The Humiliation of Dr. Chen

The US government has dropped charges against Dr. Gang Chen, an MIT scientist accused of concealing Chinese affiliations when he applied for $2.7 million in grants from the US Energy Department. Ellen Berry reported in…

To Get School Lunches, I Washed the Other Kids’ Trays

My mother didn’t allow television or sugar in our home, so other kids’ houses were magical places with Saturday morning cartoons and Skippy peanut butter. I still remember the kitchen where I had my first…

Fixing the World (a Dog’s Advice)

Longtime readers may recall that when the Spousal Unit leaves the house and the dog and I are alone with our brandy, we often have conversations, mostly about me. Being a journalist I am by…

Uh Oh, No O’io!

Honolulu -- Hawaiian bonefish, called o’io here, have shoulders. They’re bigger, beefier and warier than their Caribe cousins. Not to worry If one of these silver wraiths of the coral flats breaks your line and…

Democrats: The More Effective Evil

When all else fails, when you are clueless about how to halt a 7.5% inflation rate, when your Build Back Better bill is gutted, when you renege on your promise to raise the minimum wage…


My odd job for the morning was from a voice mail that came last night, in the early evening. A man said he was calling from a donut shop in the Sunset, and the guy…
