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Posts published by “Zack Anderson”

Water Crisis

Multi-year droughts, crop failures, Cape Town on the verge of going dry, outbreaks of violence: are we running out of usable water? 

Blackkksploitation 2018

The critics are mostly raving about Spike Lee's latest movie, BlacKkKlansman. And, as usual, the critics are mostly wrong. Based on the autobiographical account of the first African American cop on the Colorado Springs police force, the film opens with the words: "Some fo real, fo real shit." It's the first clue that the film will be almost pure fiction, despite what the PR flackeys and media lackeys profess. And, just as advertised, Lee's fo real narrative resembles the true story as much as a McDonald's FishWich approximates a rock cod fillet.

Love and Loathing in Las Vegas

Inside a sleazy FBI sting involving diet clinics, fitness models, money laundering and a murder plot. 

Phantom Rising, by Emily Brontë

1842 | Brussels Phantom Rising Emily Brontë How do I love on summer nights to sit within this Norman door, Whose somber portal hides the lights Thickening above me evermore! How do I love to…

The Death of New York City

The spreading urban cancer of soulless affluenza: coming soon to a city near you. 
