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Posts published by “Zack Anderson”

School Lunches From Around The World

U.S. school lunches put to shame by international counterparts.

Did Dread Pirate Roberts Order 5 Assassinations?

Many supporters of the Silk Road hailed the sprawling online black market for drugs as an experiment in victimless crime and a nonviolent alternative to the bloody turf wars of the streets. But prosecutors claim that the…

Progressive Utah Gives Homes To Homeless

Instead of piling on state-run service after service – hospital visits, prison, drug treatments, shelter stays – Utah gives homeless people homes, a humane solution that saves money and improves lives.

Germans Launch New Blitzkrieg: No More College Tuition!

According to German policy makers, free university education for all students is a basic right and that tuition fees would discriminate against and discourage poorer students from receiving a complete education.

Vietnam Vets: John McCain’s A Lying Traitor (video)

Earl Hopper spent 30 years with the Army in Airborne Special Services and with Army Intelligence. He and those interviewed allege that the narrative propagated by McCain, of his five and a half years as a…

The NFL = Welfare for Billionaires!

The taxpayers of Glendale, Arizona paid $300 million for the "honor" of hosting Super Bowl 49 stadium. Then came the predictably dire budget crisis that threatened layoffs to half its city workers.

See You In Hell, Hank! [video]

True patriots CODEPINK attempt citizen's arrest on war criminal Henry Kissinger.
