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Posts published by “Zack Anderson”

Raw Honey On Tap

A new beehive automatically extracts honey without disturbing bees.

Where Pedestrians Get Killed In San Francisco

Geary. Leavenworth. Sixth Street. Nineteenth Avenue. These are all thoroughfares where multiple pedestrian fatalities occurred over the last six years.

All Is Not Yet Lost: McDonald’s Losing Popularity

2014 was the first time the corporation experienced an annual decline in same-stores sales globally in over a decade.

Hugo Left His Heart In Ecuador

When Hugo Lucitante was a boy, his tribe sent him away to learn about the outside world so that, one day, he might return and save their village. Can he live up to their hopes?…

Headbutts On Sale At Walmart! (vid)

Customer headbutts staff member one aisle over from Rodney King Aromatherapy  Car Deodorizer, now available in Rosa Parks, so you'll "smell like you're sitting in the front seat, on or off the bus!"

Obama Lie #17,982: He Opposes The War On Drugs

Though President Barack Obama often masquerades as a savior of the oppressed and downtrodden, his actions speak louder than his rhetoric. His stance on the War on Drugs is no different.

Lynching By Fire: A Texas Tradition

Between 1882 and 1968 there were 4,743 recorded lynchings in the US. Roughly a quarter were white people, many of whom had been killed for sympathizing with black folks. Used under license of Creative Commons.…
