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Posts published by “Dr. William Miller”

Dialing Back COVID Restrictions

On February 15th, the California-wide mask mandate is expiring.  This allows people whose vaccinations for COVID are current to be indoors in public without a…

Why the Discussion Around Seismic is Important

On February 3rd, a community forum was held to discuss how we should address the seismic compliance requirements for our hospital.  This was sponsored by…

Mask Comparison in the Age of Omicron

Is a discussion of masks needed at this point in the pandemic?  I think so for two reasons.  First, unlike two years ago, there are…

Rethinking the Numbers

If prior respiratory, viral pandemics are any indication, we should expect this pandemic to begin to fade over the next year.  The 1918 influenza pandemic…

Community Outbreak Continues in Mendocino

The number of new COVID cases continues to rapidly rise throughout the county.  This has significantly affected many local businesses, public services, hospitals and schools. …

Local COVID Cases Surging

As we start off the New Year, we are seeing a significant increase in COVID cases throughout Mendocino County and here on the Coast.  Part…

End of Year COVID Updates

As our second year of the pandemic draws to a close, a few updates on where things stand are in order. Omicron, the new variant,…

Omicron Update

We are now just over a month since the new variant, Omicron, was identified in southern Africa.  Since then, it has rapidly become the dominant…

The Omicron Variant

The news media has been buzzing with articles about a new COVID variant, B.1.1.529, which was first identified about two weeks ago in South Africa. …
