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Posts published by “Tommy Wayne Kramer”

Insane Clown Posse: Threat Or Menace?

A friend has two kids in public school, so I apologized to her for the education they’ll not receive, and she went on to tell…

Blank Walls Better than Murals

Is mural fever once again sweeping Ukiah?  Ukiah went a hundred years without murals, and today you can hardly spit without hitting one, hint hint.…

Fixing the World (a Dog’s Advice)

Longtime readers may recall that when the Spousal Unit leaves the house and the dog and I are alone with our brandy, we often have…

More Toys Would Only Make Things Worse

Remember those bumper stickers years ago that read “He Who Dies With the Most Toys Wins”? It was a catchy, relatable sentiment that appealed to…

Pot on Sale at the Price of Kale

Remember back about two years ago when legalized marijuana had not yet turned into the colossal white elephant bust of today, and Flow Canna came…

Wallpapering Over The Dry Rot

The next thing they’ll do is repaint all those bulbout curbs black so the hundreds of tires that rub against them daily won’t leave telltale…

From One Bummer To Another

The last time marijuana did me a favor was when I went to see the Grateful Dead along with 30,000 other smelly hippies and, just…

Destroying History Is In Ukiah’s DNA

Is there a city in California, other than Ukiah, so eager to wipe out its history and destroy architecturally significant buildings? Why does Ukiah have…

Graffiti & Other Ugly Art

It’s distressing and almost painful to see graffiti, big, bold and in your face, on downtown walls and simultaneously realize no one is capable of…
