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Posts published by “Tommy Wayne Kramer”

Hinges Of Hades In My Back Yard

Was it hot in Ukiah last week? It was Thursday when the sun quit spinning in the sky and the meteorologist heat index registered between…

Pay Us. We’ll Fix It, But Good

Here’s a short list of things that worked fine until we fixed them, at which point every solution wound up a failure. MARIJUANA: For decades…

‘Slow March’ To Division

There was a time in the good ol’ USA when manufacturing was booming, factories were humming and workers were making things on assembly lines. “Things”…

Last Of The Ink-Stained Wretches

Journalism, once a noble calling, is now an embarrassment; reporters have reputations worse than used car salesmen. I did newspaper work 35 years, then morphed…

Island Of No Women

After a while it was like being in jail. After a while you quit thinking about having a beer because no matter what, the ice…

The Way Of All Flesh

My sister lives somewhere over there, a good distance far off, and she and I do not overspend our time keeping the relationship fresh. Petunia…

Library, Sacred Cow Of Ukiah

If any inattentive adult has any lingering doubt about the value of Ukiah’s library, some fog-clearing clarity is on its way. Our library, subsidized by…

The Many Voices Of Sheridan Malone

The most shocking jolt I’ve ever experienced at an onstage performance came in the 1980s at the Ukiah Playhouse.  Daughter Emily and I were happily…
