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Posts published by “Rex Gressett”

In The Beginning There Was George

The insider's club is on the march. The recent election was really about City Manager Linda Ruffing. The people of the City thought that they…

Fort Bragg Notes

I stopped by the Fort Bragg Advocate’s new offices last week to attend the goodbye party for Sharon DiMauro, the retiring publisher of our local…

Noyo Bay Tragedy

The first I knew of it, on the last day of the year, about 11pm, in a gently falling rain, a Coast Guard HH 65…

Coast Emergency

The emergency room is a place that by definition you don't want to go to. A week or so ago, I was stricken with food…

Our Dying Ocean

Kelp forests are the most complex and abundant ecosystems on earth, exceeding when they are healthy even tropical rain forests in both the diversity of species and the abundance of individuals. Enormous kelp forests once extended the length of the pacific coast to Alaska stretching out as much as three miles into the ocean. The little fish hide, the big fish lurk and the total ecosystem is extraordinarily diverse complicated and abundant. A kelp forest is a biological miracle.

Meanwhile In Fort Bragg

I was unable to personally attend the Fort Bragg city council meeting Monday and I missed a hell of a show. Those who follow the…

Walking In Tommy’s Shoes

Monday night the Fort Bragg city council approved an interim harbor commissioner to replace Tommy DeAnconia who recently passed. Tommy was indeed a cultured cosmopolitan…

Goodbye Mr. Dietz

Monday night, June 27, 2016 — I believe that it is more than ok to say it like it is in politics. It is essential…
