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Posts published by “Paul Modic”

The Intruder

I opened my door and saw a huddled form working on a project in my back yard. He was shaving a rock and had dragged…

We’re Going Down

See all the old-time hippies limping around town, getting old, and dying. Remember when we were lean, motivated, and vibrant, fresh-faced young people? What happened?…

July Fourth Adventure

After a sleepless night in pain, seriously not one moment of sleep, I packed a small overnight bag and hauled my sorry ass up to…


I never thought about privilege, white, male, or class, when I was a kid although, sure, we were told about the starving people in Africa,…

Emerald Ranch

This cannabis nursery deep in the Triangle is a site to behold: a verdant field displaying thousands of bright green marijuana plants in rows and…

Roy Lichtenstein

It might not be true that every family has one cool thing about it but at least I can say that my family does. Sixty-three…

Sleeper Car & Mail Order Brides

Taking the train across country is a singular joy and I strongly recommend a berth in the sleeper car: There's that magic moment when you…

The Day of the Ashes

Yesterday, September 9, 2020 smoke and ashes from the nearby wildfires blocked out the sun and settled on the graves and gravestones in the local…
