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Posts published by “Nicholas von Hoffman”

Dorothy Day, Real Saint

John Cardinal O’Connor, the Roman Catholic Archbishop of New York, proposed recently the canonization of Dorothy Day. If she makes it through that long process,…

The People’s Ball

“I am running for President because I believe that to actually make change happen — to make this time different than all the rest —…

Good Soldier; Bad War

My son has returned from the war. After a year in Iraq, he’s come back to his wife and the rest of us unharmed in…

The Ghost of Christmas Past

Here we are, back in the suicide season: It’s Christmas time. Half of us are thinking not of our fellow man and woman, but of…

A Bear Lurks

In political circles, small as they are, the argument of late has been over whether or not 2004 is a déjà-vu-all-over-again of 1972. As political…

A Few Hundred Bucks Will Get Some Attention

Rest assured, nothing is going to be done about this, but the news is still worth some cogitation. The new figures are out, and they…

The Wrong Kind of Growth

Is it growth or is it cancer? Whichever it may be, we want it, and elected officials and their would-be replacements are out in force…

Diversity-Worshippers Encouraging Separation

Whatever it is these days, it’s connected with immigration. The West Nile virus is suspected of imperiling the future of any number of birds and…

Harvey the Ho of Wall Street

Washingtonians have been diverted of late by a dumpy, bearded, middle-aged man running  around on Pennsylvania Avenue wearing only white patent-leather, calf-length boots, a blue…

When It Comes to War…We’re All Profiteers

Guns or butter. Butter or guns. If you take both, you’ll run out of funds.  For generations, the economic textbooks taught that a country had…
