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Posts published by “Bruce McEwen”

The Mother Of All Pot Gardens

The first week of Matthew Graves' trial was like a gun show. Last week the jury saw hundreds of marijuana plants from a network of gardens spread out over the hills of the Foster Creek drainage in the Bell Springs area of Northern Mendocino County.

The Guns Of Leggett

There were enough assault weapons to arm a platoon of marines. Laid out in front of the jury box, there they were in all their…

Sergeant Mendoza: A Hero’s Welcome

Sergeant Manuel Mendoza-Valencia enjoyed a big welcome home and birthday party at the Apple Hall last Saturday. It has been six years since the young…

Lights Out Gang Member Bails

Garrett A. Bonner, 18 years old and up to his eyeballs in felonious mischief that could send him to state prison, came to court under…

I Still Miss My Ex, But My Aim’s Improving

According to the statement Samuel Campos gave the police, the pistol that killed his girlfriend was aimed at the Chihuahua she was holding. The Chihuahua…

A .357 Will Trump A .22 Every Time

The Honorable Jonathan Lehan will be going on vacation this week. This is big news, because when his vacation ends, March 4th, his retirement begins.…

Judge Henderson: Master of Suspense

When last we saw Eldon Hogan he was on his way to San Quentin. Eldon was only going for a visit, an evaluation to see…

Mmmm-mmm, Bad!

It seems that young Isaac Campbell's access to some of his grandma’s fortune might have enabled him to install a state-of-the-highly-advanced-art surveillance system at his ostensibly modest farm in Potter Valley.

Welcome to Judge Moorman’s Traffic Court

The newly installed officers of the Mendocino County Courthouse are already on the job. They have to be because several judges are gone: Leonard LaCasse…
