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Posts published by “Bruce McEwen”

Courthouse Outtakes, 2014

The obligatory year-in-review highlights represent the staid thinking you get in journalism schools. To me, the idea of rehearsing old stories causes me to slump…

Old and In The Way

Last week Yuta Sakane was held to answer on charges of vandalism — crimes he committed the day before Thanksgiving against his own parents. Respect…

Because It’s Pink

For the past few decades California’s prison population has grown into something of an international scandal and three federal judges have ordered Governor Jerry Brown…

Home For The Holidays

Rarely does the underclass see any direct results from an election, but this year the results have been immediate and real, with hundreds of local…

Grandpa’s Last Ride

Last Friday afternoon Kenneth Wilkinson, 22, was sentenced to 25-to-life with a possibility of parole in 23 years. Wilkinson has already served two years in…

Pete’s Last Dash

Peter Richardson’s crime spree is over, his drinking and driving days done, and he’s sitting in the county jail on a no-bail hold awaiting sentencing for five felonies. Considering that his life of crime began about two years ago when he was diagnosed with cancer, he could die behind bars.

Bring Me The Head of Johnny Valdez

“Could you repeat that, dispatch? The transmission must be garbled. It sounded like you said there was a home invasion on Laws Avenue…Over?” “Roger that,…

Red-Riding Hood’s Mommy — A Wolf?

A lot of ghouls come through the Mendocino County Courthouse, scary characters who seem to gallop down from deep in the hills as the rest…

What’s In Your Wallet?

“Nicole Wright?” Not a soul in the crowded courtroom stirred when her name was called. She was just another anonymous fish in drab green jailhouse…
