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Posts published by “Mark Scaramella”

Major Contributor

The Great Frost Protection Conspiracy

They were all there at last week's meeting of the supervisors, these noble sons of the soil, and they were all thirsty for what's left of Mendocino County's battered, fish-free rivers and streams. The grape…

Great Moments In Public Radio

KZYX, Wednesday, June 22, 2011. Takes On The World, with Jeffrey Blankfort. Blankfort: I happen to be on the mailing list for President Barack Obama! I got an email from him the other day! He…

Supervisor Hamburg Is Upset

The last two meetings of the Board of Supervisors, June 14 and June 21, were spent fine tuning the Ukiah Valley Area Plan, a fundamentally fraudulent irrelevant document that is not only a total waste…

Oop Boppa Loop Moppa Toppa

Readers may recall that the County’s budget process simply orders all departments to simply cut their budgets by a fixed amount. Three budget units were “unable to reduce down to the 15% Net County Cost…

Let’s Pretend

“There wasn’t much interest. Nobody who might benefit is interested — as soon as it rains, we don’t need it. And that’s been our water policy for the last 40 years.” Supervisor John Pinches was…

Supes Grant Deputies Brief Reprieve

The May 24th debate over the layoffs of six deputies saw the same basic positions from all the players that we've seen since 2009 when it became clear the economy had gone south, probably forever.…

Memos Of The Week

Dear Deputy Walker: NOTICE OF LAYOFF — Due to continued funding problems, on May 24, 2011, the Board of Supervisors authorized the elimination of six deputy sheriffs positions in the sheriff's office. I regret to…
