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Posts published by “Mark Scaramella”

Major Contributor

Not Far Enough

Last month Mr. James Bassler was at the podium on Low Gap Road to urge the Supervisors to adopt Laura’s Law, a mental health strategy the anguished Mr. Bassler thinks might have diverted his disturbed…

Christopher Diaz Gets A Reprieve — Kind Of, Maybe, Possibly

Last Thursday, in a replay of November's extradition hearing, Deputy DA Matt Hubley presented the Texas warrant to extradite 22-year-old Chris Diaz to Texas where Diaz was arrested in June of 2010 for possession of…

The Bad News Goes Downtown

Let’s begin the new year by describing the Supervisor's latest expression of fiscal austerity, the December 12th meeting with the County’s Retirement Board. That get-together was held in the Ukiah Conference Center in Ukiah's dying…

Congressman Thompson’s Celestial Snoops

Most people are at least dimly aware that our government murders whole families of vaguely identified terrorists by unmanned aircraft called drones. The drones, which also take high-resolution photos, are operated by a video-raised kid…

‘We Don’t Know What We’re Doing’

We can sell off five “surplus” properties and make our broke County some money. That was the thinking at the December 6 meeting of the Supervisors. A couple of the parcels appear to be tax…

Memo Of The Week: Mendolib, Par Excellence

Hi, It was definitely stupid for me to mutter at the council meeting that the seven protest letters that we received were “not very compelling.” I absolutely own that. It was a comment that could…
