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Posts published by “Mark Scaramella”

Major Contributor

Oop Boppa Loop Moppa Toppa

Readers may recall that the County’s budget process simply orders all departments to simply cut their budgets by a fixed amount. Three budget units were…

Let’s Pretend

“There wasn’t much interest. Nobody who might benefit is interested — as soon as it rains, we don’t need it. And that’s been our water…

Supes Grant Deputies Brief Reprieve

The May 24th debate over the layoffs of six deputies saw the same basic positions from all the players that we've seen since 2009 when…

Memos Of The Week

Dear Deputy Walker: NOTICE OF LAYOFF — Due to continued funding problems, on May 24, 2011, the Board of Supervisors authorized the elimination of six…

What Happened To The Miracle Money?

We’re having trouble reconciling marijuana dispensary fees with the just announced layoffs of six Sheriff's Department patrol deputies, among them Anderson Valley's popular resident deputy, Craig Walker.

The Big Nurse & The Mother Of All Ukiah Eyesores

County CEO Carmel Angelo, a nurse by training, Big Nurse in practice, recently saw her lush contract renewed for another four years via the automatic, undiscussed consent calendar route. The Board's thinking seems to be that " The devil you know..."

Our Money Is Safer With Criminals?

The Supervisors opened last week’s meeting with a mutedly triumphant announcement that they had come to a tentative agreement with the public attorneys union.

Memos Of The Week

February 4, 2010 To: Patricia Beverly, Boonville California Dear Patricia Beverly: Welcome to the Blue Shield of California or Blue Shield of California Life &…
