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Posts published by “Mark Scaramella”

Major Contributor

‘We Don’t Know What We’re Doing’

We can sell off five “surplus” properties and make our broke County some money. That was the thinking at the December 6 meeting of the…

Memo Of The Week: Mendolib, Par Excellence

Hi, It was definitely stupid for me to mutter at the council meeting that the seven protest letters that we received were “not very compelling.”…

Slam Dunking Ukiah Ratepayers

The Ukiah City Council, as predicted, slam dunked the ratepayers and gave the City waste hauler everything it could hope for in a twenty year…

Save Hendy Woods Regroups

  More than a hundred locals, most of them gray-haired, attended last Wednesday’s meeting to save Hendy Woods State Park. Most of the under-60 people…

The Grading Ordinance: A Slo-Mo Fiasco

"Fiasco, n., an absolute, abject, ignominious, ludicrous or utterly humiliating failure." Back in the early oughts of 2000 a couple of vineyards slid onto Mendo…

‘Throw The Bums Out’

Louise "Wheezer" Gonyo was recently elected president of SEIU Local 1021. Gonyo is assumed to be one of the SEIU hardliners who claim the County…

Engine Trouble

Three weeks ago, the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors spent exactly zero meeting minutes discussing the biggest pay cut for the largest number of employees…

Under Water

In the afternoon following the tumultuous Board meeting on November 1st when the Board of Supervisors imposed a drastic 12.5% cut on about 750 of…

Standard & Poor’s vs. Mendocino County

Four hours after the Mendocino Board of Supervisors whacked County workers' pay by 12.5%, CEO Carmel Angelo told the Supervisors that Standard & Poor’s had…
