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Posts published by “Mark Scaramella”

Major Contributor

PG&E Returns

Last July 16 PG&E sent a youngish guy named Matt Pender, PG&E’s “Director, Community Wildfire Safety Program Program Management Office,” to a Supes meeting to explain their planned Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS) program for…

County Notes (August 28, 2019)

LAST TUESDAY the Supervisors approved their responses to the Grand Jury about both the management of the county and Measure B, the mental health initiative stalled since it was passed two years ago. The upshot…

Fairgrounds Considered for Possible Septic Project

Fifth District Supervisor Ted Williams attended last Monday night’s Fair Board meeting at the Boonville Fairgrounds where the Community Services District board presented a preliminary layout for use of the Fairgrounds back lot as the…

The EOA is DOA

In 2012, the second of two expensive consultant studies pointed out the obvious: Mendocino County’s emergency medical services were inadequately funded, uncoordinated, hard to staff and fragile. Seven years later that description still holds. At…

Mendo’s Climate Diversity Committee

If you were wondering whether Mendo’s recently approved “Climate Action Advisory Committee” is making any headway, you might find the following exchange at last Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors meeting instructive.  The committee, still in the…

County Notes (Aug. 7, 2019)

THE CEO’S freshly released response to June’s Grand Jury report which was entitled “Who Runs Mendocino County” is out. The CEO's response is predictably non-responsive, simply a run down of how the Grand Jury is…

A New Pot Permit Category!

Last Tuesday, Supervisor Ted Williams asked Planning and Building Director Brent Schultz, again (sigh), about the status of pot permit processing, commenting that “it looks like noise, three or four in the course of a…

Mendo v. PG&E

PG&E’s designated Flak Catcher at last Tuesday’s Supervisor meeting was a young guy named Matt Pender with the impressive sounding title of “Director, Community Wildfire Safety Program Program Management Office.” It quickly became obvious that…
