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Posts published by “Mark Scaramella”

Major Contributor

County Budget Notes

PROPERTY, SALES AND THE BED TAX are all up from last year. They’ve been steadily increasing since the Great Recession in 2009. That’s probably why official…

A Mendo Housing Czar

With all the time and attention County officials are giving to marijuana one might think that marijuana is the County’s biggest problem. But as Sheriff…

Sheriff Gets His Needs Assessment

Margie Handley, Chairperson of the Howard Hospital Foundation, opened the meeting by telling the Measure B (Mental Health Facilties and Treatment) Advisory Board that the…

The Final Indignity

Your trusty local reporter, as always selflessly volunteering for the betterment of the community, has never been thrown out of a public meeting. But, after…

Commissioner Curry’s Swan Song

At last Tuesday’s meeting of the Supervisors, (former) Interim Ag Commissioner Diane Curry defended her department’s slo-mo handling of pot permits by essentially saying the…

County Notes (Feb. 7, 2018)

Sheriff Tom Allman’s Measure B Advisory Committee got off to a faltering start Wednesday of last week. It appeared that none of the eleven “commissioners”…

County Notes (Jan. 24, 2018)

IT TURNS OUT, Mendo is wasting a lot more than $50k on their pot regulation planning/zoning consultant. And it’s more of a waste than we…

County Notes (Jan. 17, 2018)

KIRK THOMSEN has been unceremoniously put on administrative leave from his job as Interim Ukiah Valley Fire Chief following an abrupt dismissal involving the formal taking of the keys to the firehouse a few days ago.
