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Posts published by “Mark Scaramella”

Major Contributor

Too Many Health Orders

We received four separate press releases from the County last Friday regarding the Covid-19 situation.  The first one we have posted on our website as we have for all their previous pressers. But Friday it…

Numbers? You Want Numbers?

Last month, Measure B project manager Alyson Bailey told the Measure B committee that she would have “numbers” for a Psychiatric Health Facility, Crisis Residential Treatment Center and Crisis Stabilization Unit “maybe in two weeks…

Better Late Then Never

Supervisor John McCowen, as noted by Supervisor Ted Williams as the “primary architect” of the County’s unworkable and overcomplicated pot cultivation ordinance, summarized his proposal to totally revamp the program on Tuesday by pointing out…

Ukiah’s Crazy ‘Road Diet’

Anyone visiting downtown Ukiah lately came away surprised. "What the heck is going on?" A major traffic disruption is going on, major traffic disruption that will go on for some time. Grandly entitled the "Ukiah…

Budget Problem? What Budget Problem?

Notes from the Supervisors Agendas for June 9 & 10. MENDO HEALTH OFFICER NOEMI DOOHAN of San Diego is up for another costly extension of her contract: “Discussion and Possible Action Including Approval of Fifth…

Measure B: Sloth & Confusion

THE MEASURE B COMMITTEE “MET” Wednesday afternoon. It was the most pathetic excuse for a meeting I’ve ever seen in Mendo, bar-none — and the problems had nothing to do with their difficulties with on-line…

County Notes (May 27, 2020)

As predicted, after a few nitpicks about the funding and sequencing, the Board rubberstamped handing over about $1.5 million to “Visit Mendocino” to “promote” local tourism right in the middle of a County Health Officer’s…
