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Posts published by “Mark Scaramella”

Major Contributor

County Budget Notes

No problemo! Negativity has been vanquished! That was overall the takeaway from Tuesday’s first-day of the well-choreographed budget presentation for the July 2019-June 2020 budget year.

Up In Smoke

The the following zen communication was inserted into the “Summary of Changes in the FY2019-2020 Proposed Budget” presented to the Board of Supervisors on Tuesday:…


As a former bar piano man, I’ve experienced both the pleasure and the pain of vamping. Good singers not only can extract great humor and expectation out of a vamp, but they make the final product

Snap, Snap Goes the Gjerde

Back in October of 2017, a labor consulting outfit called Koff and Associates was given $100k to do study of county wages and salaries to…

Biloxi Days: The Barracks Visit

I arrived at Lackland Air Force Base outside of San Antonio for Officer Training School in November of 1967. For reasons known only to my…

Emergency Services News

EOA Coming Apart at the Seams; Ambulance Staffing Problems; Siren Test Fails Miserably; Forest Service Refusing to Reimburse Local Fire Agencies for Strike Teams. Plus:…

Motion Creep

At present, Mendo maintains an Excel spreadsheet of the pesticides, herbicides and insecticides deployed by Mendocino County “Agriculture”

Great Redwood Trail Scam Taking Shape

That wasn’t the exact title of a recent Santa Rosa Press Democrat story which began: “A 300-mile walking and bicycle trail envisioned along the North…
