According to a detailed Sheriff's budget breakdown for this fiscal year (July 2020-June 2021), the largest expenditure besides base salaries is the County’s contribution to law enforcement retirement. The base department salary budget is about…
Posts published by “Mark Scaramella”
Major Contributor
A little after noon on Monday, residents of the Third Gate Road area heard a loud boom near the junction of Third Gate and Sherwood Road north of Willits. A few minutes later neighbors were…
We read Malcolm Macdonald’s item about the Supervisors’ putting a hold on Measure B spending with great interest. (See separate article this week.) The complaints from Fort Bragg about being ignored in Measure B planning…
Last Tuesday Supervisor Ted Williams updated his colleagues on the staffing difficulties the cannabis permit program ad hoc committee is facing: Williams: “The cannabis ad hoc has been meeting regularly several times per week with…
It’s common knowledge among County insiders that our un-elected CEO Carmel Angelo runs Mendo, and definitely also runs our elected Board of Supervisors, theoretically her bosses. Supervisors have been instructed not to ask County staff…
The Supervisors rubberstamped the huge gift of a gold-plated “Crisis Residential Treatment” building next door to the Schraeders last Tuesday. Nobody actually said “Schraeder” or “Redwood Quality Management Company,” instead referring to the Schraeders as…
Thirty pages of extremely unreadable bureaucratic detail make up Mendo’s recently published and long-awaited “Strategic Plan to Address Homelessness in Mendocino County.” It was presented to the Board of Supervisors on Tuesday for “Discussion and…
Fort Bragg City Manager Tabatha Miller wrote in this week’s report to her City Council: “What we don’t know is how long this recession will last. The thought that the recession length and depth would…