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Posts published by “Mark Scaramella”

Major Contributor

County Notes: Mendo’s Backward Mental Health System

There’s a common misimpression out there in our crumbling world that the mental health 911 calls that cops are responding to are criminal or otherwise violent or dangerous. Mostly, that’s not true. In fact, the…

County Counsel Pay Raise: The Plot Thickens

As it turns out, on Tuesday, after the Board violated the Brown Act by approving the County Counsel’s pay raise on the consent calendar, apparently on the advice of County Counsel Curtis himself, the man…

AV Wine News

The local wine association forgot to send us the announcement of their Feb. 19-20 Anderson Valley Winter White Wine Weekend, but 2022 marks the 15th year of the Big White Wine Weekend featuring the Valley’s…

County Notes (December 16, 2021)

Supes Powerless To Slow PG&E’s Coastal Parks Logging Permits — All Mendo is left with is a lot of “hope.” THIS CONSENT AGENDA ITEM for Tuesday’s meeting alarmed a lot of locals concerned about PG&E…

Why Nicole?

Why would Nicole Glentzer, a hitherto invisible Ukiah Unified School District administrator, suddenly decide to run against incumbent Michelle Hutchins for Mendocino County School Superintendent, especially since Ms. Hutchins has established the agency as effectively…

County Notes (December 9, 2021)

NEXT TUESDAY’S AGENDA continues the saga of ridiculous half-baked items, most of them served up on the Consent Calendar, without any plausible supporting data or explanation. CONSENT ITEM 4F – “Direct staff to allocate Cannabis…

County Notes (November 25, 2021)

The Supervisors unanimously approved the appointment of an LA law firm for the Sheriff on Monday, despite the fact that the Sheriff wasn’t even in the County at the time, nor has Judge Moorman ruled…

County Notes: Supervisors’ End-Around the Judge

ON MONDAY, the Supervisors were scheduled to discuss a premature item placed on the Board’s agenda by County Counsel Christian Curtis proposing to appoint an outside legal outfit from San Francisco as Sheriff Kendall’s “conflict…
