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Posts published by “Mark Scaramella”

Major Contributor

When Murphy Meets the Covid Vaccine

What could possibly go wrong with the massive covid vaccination rollout, and buncha What Ifs? Let’s be optimistic and assume that the vaccinations — how…

Windfalls, Waste & Capitulation

Outgoing Supervisor John McCowen has been effectively neutered by CEO Carmel Angelo. She continues to keep the Board, especially McCowen, at arm’s length since Supervisors…

County Notes (November 18, 2020)

SHERIFF MATT KENDALL STOPPED BY the other day. He said progress is being made on the Crisis Van, aka Mobile Crisis Unit. He expects three…

Documenting Waste, Inaction & Impossibility

Deja Vu: After expressing the now common frustration at the lack of significant progress on the Measure B Mental Health facilities and services initiative of…

False Advertising

Measure B Project Manager Alyson Bailey took the Measure B stage last Wednesday to present her long-awaited “Draft Strategic Plan” for Measure B mental health…

Mendo’s Water Mafia

“If you look at the cost of water today that some of our customers have, it's probably some of the cheapest water in California. Plain…

Promises, Promises

Remember this door hangar which was distributed all over Mendocino County back in 2017? It was in part based on the text of Measure B,…

The Ralph Johns School of Management

“My job is to kick E-8s in the ass.” — Chief Master Sergeant (E-9) Ralph Johns My first assignment as a newly minted aircraft maintenance…
