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Posts published by “Mark Scaramella”

Major Contributor

County Notes (March 10, 2022)

SUPERVISOR JOHN HASCHAK told his colleagues last Tuesday that he wants to go back to in-person board meetings. “It’s time to re-open,” the 4th District solon boldly declared. PREDICTABLY, CEO Angelo objected, saying, “We are…

County Notes (March 3, 2022)

BEFORE WE SAY FAREWELL to CEO Angelo we should also note how much money she stands to make off of Mendocino’s precarious pension fund. We know of two ways to calculate pensions for County employees…

County Notes (February 24, 2022)

Mendo’s Slo-Mo Betrayal of Measure V On Monday, December 16, 2019 The Board of Supervisors discussed “Possible Action Regarding Implementation of Measure V, ‘Declaring Intentionally Killed and Left Standing Trees a Public Nuisance’.”  The Item…

County Notes (February 17, 2022)

Mendo's Drought Task Force Proposes New Drought Policy: ’Think Rain.’ That’s how Thursday afternoon’s Mendocino County Drought Task Force meeting ended. ’Think rain’ pretty nicely captures the level of (in)activity of Mendo’s Drought Task Force…

My Favorite Audit

There’s been an interesting mini-discussion about audits and auditing in the comment section of our website, since some readers seem to think they wouldn’t vote for a new library sales tax unless an audit of…

County Notes: The Betrayal of Measure B

Much of the original intent of Measure B, the “Mental Health Treatment Act,” which was passed in November of 2017 by more than two thirds of Mendo’s voters, seems to have been forgotten. The ballot…

County Notes (February 3, 2022)

Supes Prefer Being In The Dark From the superlatives the Supervisors laid on outgoing CEO Carmel Angelo at Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors meeting one would never know the reality of a badly (or un-)managed county.…
