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Posts published by “Mark Scaramella”

Major Contributor

Who’s On First? Why, Ex-CEO Angelo, Of Course

If you came in late, like lots of people suddenly interested in the County’s budget mess, you might think that Mendo only recently discovered that it can’t find its assets with two finance departments. Last…

County Notes: False Statements, Misinformation, Rumors & Innuendo

AT TUESDAY’S SUPERVISORS MEETING, several Board members, lead by Board Chair Ted Williams, took some very unfair and distorted shots at their newly elected Auditor-Controller, who was not in attendance, even though the person they…

County Notes: Ag Commissioner Fired

Last week we noted that a senior employee was on the Board’s closed session agenda for discipline or dismissal. Turns out it was the Ag Commissioner, Jim Donnelly. After closed session Supervisor last Tuesday, Supervisor…

County Notes: Grand Jury Aims at Measure B Again. Misses Badly.

In our February article entitled “The Betrayal of Measure B,” we quoted from the Measure B language: “Mendocino County is committed to improving residents’ lives and the public’s safety by strategically evaluating and enhancing resources…

County Notes: It’s Not Funny, Supervisor Williams

A large crowd of County employees appeared in the newly over-remodeled Board chambers on Tuesday to complain about pay rates, vacancies, over-work and general frustration and low morale. Several very presentable and articulate employees voiced…

Demolishing the Congressman’s Office

In July of 2021 Congressman Jared Huffman’s Ukiah Field Office was nearly destroyed by a fire of still undetermined origin out on Low Gap Road: Generously described at the time of the fire as…

The Other Drought

State Senator Mike McGuire was in Mendocino County this week for a rather pathetic photo op.  On his facebook page McGuire posted: “A big water storage project is coming to the community of Mendocino -…

County Notes: Mendo Vacancy Miscellany

Interim CEO Darcie Antle’s June CEO report has a small section on Human Resources. Given Mendo’s tight, personnel dependent budget situation, its high vacancy rates, its relatively high turnover, etc., you might expect Human Resources…
