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Posts published by “Mark Scaramella”

Major Contributor

The Sheriff’s Budget Dispute

Sounds like Supervisor Maureen Mulheren got some significant pushback on the question of holding Department heads personally responsible for budget overruns, especially the Sheriff.  SUPERVISOR…

Mendo’s Nickel & Diming of Emergency Services

There are a number of County-inflicted financial annoyances the local Community Services District suffers every year. The County goes out of its way to charge…

Backdoor Maneuvers

ON JULY 11 we wrote about a very fishy Consent Calendar Item which had its origins going back to March:  Item 4ab). “Adoption of Resolution…

Wine People vs. Us

Back in 2009, when the State Water Board told Russian River Grape Growers — of which 1st District Supervisor Glenn McGourty is one — that…

County Notes (August 5, 2021)

HERE WE GO! MENDO’S CLERK OF THE BOARD sent out a notice of an amended Board agenda late last Friday afternoon. There was nothing in…

County Notes (July 29, 2021)

THAT WAS A SHAMEFUL DISCUSSION the Board had with Sheriff Kendall on Tuesday. And whatever the beef was, it wasn't very apparent. On the one…

Ukiah Police Chief Justin Wyatt To Retire

Ukiah Police Chief Justin Wyatt told the Ukiah dudes who host the weekly “Like It or Not” podcast last week that police are not in…

County Notes (July 22, 2021)

A number of “retroactive” items were on last Tuesday’s Board Agenda, the kinds of high dollar value items the Board has complained about in the…

County Notes (July 14, 2021)

A number of “retroactive” items are on next Tuesday’s Board Agenda, the kinds of high dollar value items the Board has complained about in the…
