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Posts published by “Mark Scaramella”

Major Contributor

Mendo Management In Turmoil; Supes Do Nothing

Back in the Carmel Angelo Era, management staffers who presented a problem for the peevish CEO were summarily given the heave-ho on the spot and nobody dared comment about it in open session. The target…

County Notes: The Mockel Debacle

(Mockel who? Mockel being shoved down our throats by the Democrat's Northcoast machine.) Last month, at the time I filed my Brown Act complaint to ferret out the Supervisors’ unanimous, simultaneous endorsement of recently declared…

County Notes: The Answer Is No

Dozens of county employees and their union rep Patrick Hickey showed up at the Supervisors’ Tuesday morning budget hearing to ask that the County at least include a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) in next…

County Budget Notes

It seems to have finally dawned on the Supervisors that blaming the Auditor time and again for their own failures and misperceptions about the County budget not only looks bad but won’t do anything to…

County Notes: Trevor Mockel’s Devotion To Public Service

Recently, a youngish man named Trevor Mockel, age 32, from Redwood Valley, announced his candidacy for Mendocino County First District Supervisor (representing Redwood Valley, Potter Valley and the Hopland area). His announcement was accompanied by…

County Notes: Is Potter Valley About To ‘Go Dry’?

Lame duck 72-year old Supervisor Glenn McGourty doesn’t get excited about much these days. In fact, the only subject that still energizes him is water for grapes. So we were not surprised that he sounded…
