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Posts published by “Mark Scaramella”

Major Contributor

Martin Mileck, Neo Enviro

Last Tuesday, with the winter rains early and strong, the Board of Supervisors discussed water. They've laid off Roland Sanford, County water guy. You might say this meeting was Sanford's Swan Song, wrapping up where…

‘The Way We’ve Always Done It’

In the Anderson Valley, there's futbol and there's football.
The football people think their football isn't get ting a fair shake.

Trying to Get YOUR Money Back

Late last month we filed a claim against the County to recover the $3k they wrongly gave to Supervisor Kendall Smith.

Fair Play For Big Wine

If you entered the word “wine” into the Santa Rosa Press Democrat’s website search tool on September 30, 2010, you’d get 14,388 hits as of September 30, 2010. Here are a random selection of titles…

Oversight Might Be Blind

Valley voters last year grudgingly passed a bond issue worth $15.25 million dollars to fix up our 50-year-old schools. The money does not come without stipulations as to how it might be disbursed. In theory.…

Anybody Here Know How To Count?

Not long after the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors made one more muddled attempt at clearing up the confusion over their “balanced budget” at last Tuesday’s Board meeting, the County’s primary employee union, Service Employees…

Balancing Budgets In Unbalanced Times

At the end of August, Mendocino County's CEO informed the Supervisors that the good ship Mendo was still in the hole to the tune of $2.7 million for the current fiscal year. After two days…
