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Posts published by “Malcolm Macdonald”

Adventists Make Their Move

The Mendocino Coast Healthcare District edges closer to affiliation with Adventist Healthcare. Negotiations are ongoing, but the Coast hospital released a “Fact Sheet” Wednesday, September 25, detailing many of the terms of a potential 30-year…

Revisiting the Hospitality House

I attended the first two hours of the Mendocino County Behavioral Health Advisory Board (BHAB) monthly meeting on September 18. I used to attend these meetings on a regular basis, but there is only so…

Capt. Richardson & Rancho Albion

One of the islets that form the Wake Atoll in the tropical Pacific is named for Charles Wilkes. Mostly lost to history now, in 1839 Lt. Wilkes led the United States Exploring Expedition, or U.S.…

Looking Back

Let us start by more or less repeating the opening of last week's piece: The most important item approved by the Mendocino Coast District Hospital (MCDH) Board of Directors at their August 29th meeting was…

Affiliation First

The most significant news out of the Mendocino Coast District Hospital (MCDH) Board of Directors meeting on August 29 was the suspension of a contract with Meditech for a new electronic health record (EHR) system.…

Hiking the Burns

In late July I spent four days backpacking in the Marble Mountains, entering the wilderness at the Haypress Meadow trailhead. Getting to that trailhead requires a long drive up Interstate 5, north of Yreka, exiting…

Odds On Adventists

A standing room only crowd filled the Redwoods Room at the Mendocino Coast District Hospital (MCDH) at three in the afternoon, Monday, July 15. From hospital staffers to first time citizen attendees, the throng was…
