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Posts published by “Katy Tahja”

Governor’s First Ladies in History

While praise and glory has been heaped on California governors and biographies written about them, standing behind almost every one of them was a First…

Winter Rail Escapade for 5,000 Miles

Every few years my husband and I save enough to go on a tour with our favorite travel group, Mountain Outin’. The tour director finds…

Another Roadside Attraction

Anyone living in Anderson Valley or on the coast has driven by this location a gazillion times and probably noticed a small sturdy stucco building

What? Another AV Newspaper?

Don’t panic. We’re talking almost ancient history here. As I sorted through research materials acquired while writing a 150-year history of Mendocino County I look…

Making Money Writing a Century Ago

As an historian nearing the end of writing my first draft of a history of Mendocino County from 1852-2002 I can’t help but being intrigued…

Finding A Home For History

Primary resources, in a historian’s world, are original materials upon which researchers can study to begin writing books or articles about any person or subject.…
