Are we having fun folks? Are we there yet? On a recent edition of the NewsHour, columnist David Brooks suggested that Donald Trump was going through the five stages of grief that include denial, anger,…
Posts published by “Jonah Raskin”
Voters were definitely on edge Election Day, but not so edgy that they couldn’t or didn’t abstain from eating. From coast-to-coast and in what’s known as “fly over country,” Joe Biden supporters watched the results…
Whatever the outcome on Tuesday, November 3, the next day, November 4, will be the first day of the rest of my life and a day of reckoning. Maybe it will also be the first…
Jack London’s big, bold 1909 novel, Martin Eden, which some consider autobiographical, is on the screen again, this time in an Italian production that’s set in Italy and that arrived in 2019. Pietro Marcello directed. He…
The “No on P” signs, which have blanketed Sonoma County in October, hit Joe Munson where it hurt: in his moral compass. Arrested about 50 times you’d expect Oaky Joe to be in favor of…
“Tension between the need for urban progress and the ways that progress can crush vulnerable communities is evident all around.” – Brahinsky and Tarr on the city of San Francisco Alexander Tarr explains in the…
Do all world historical facts and personage occur twice? The first time as tragedy, the second as farce? Marx apparently thought so. His often quoted comment on that subject appears in The Eighteenth Brumaire of…