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Posts published by “Steve Heilig”

Ozzie & Harriet Hit The Beach

My first real job might have been the best I ever had. Armed with a brand-new first driver's license, I delivered groceries and booze to the stars. Or, at least, a couple of them. Besides John Wayne, for example, there was Ozzie and Harriett Nelson.

Tom & Huck Hit The Beach

Early sunny morning, probably a school day; we are about 15 years old. You walk a few doors down and knock on my bedroom window, wearing just swim trunks, t-shirt, flip-flops, carrying swim fins. "C'mon, there's a good south swell and nobody's around and we can go get some waves." Well why not, I say, and join you with exact same attire and my fins. We walk a few blocks down towards the beach, me figuring we're just going to hit the nearby Coves, our semi-private paradise, but at the coast highway you stick out your thumb, heading south.

10 Questions for Trump

Dear Mr. Trump: I have some questions: 1. "He wants to be famous. He wants people to talk about him. He wants people to notice…

A Holiday Noir

Down at the beach, waiting for Santa Claus. Well, not quite; I was at the beach because I love the beach and even more important,…

Thanks Anyway

Anybody reading this has recently survived another Thanksgiving holiday. Too much food of course, to the point of gluttony and beyond, and the undercurrents of…

Bad Bugs Biting Back

California Governor Jerry Brown has signed into law the nation's most stringent restrictions on the use of antibiotics in the production of meat. Is this a good thing? It certainly is - perhaps a crucial step in our survival, in fact - and I am not prone to exaggeration of such things. Now our state's new policy must become that of the entire nation.

Last Rights

Californians have just won a right that we all hope we will never need to use: The right to physician-assisted dying. Governor Jerry Brown signed…

Animals At Their End: Grief & Gratitude

When you adopt a pet or one just finds it into your life, besides all the joy and fun and exasperation, you also sign up…

Burn On, Burners!

It's Burning Man time again. I'm not going, again. I'm going to say something critical about it, again. And will be mostly ignored and/or vilified, again.
