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Posts published by “Flynn Washburne”

Rehab & A Cuppa Joe

When I first reached the age of reason and started considering possible career paths, and having abandoned my childhood ambitions of becoming a tiger or…

Be Like The Ostrich

For the last two years, I have, like most folks, immersed myself in the daily (political) news, steeping in the vile stew and concocting a…

Back In The World

Time travel has become a familiar enough subject to us by way of innumerable fictional treatments that we're all pretty conversant with the (contrived) ins…

Painful Lessons, Part 2

I've taken my share of beatings in my life; more, really, given that the average beating occurrence among Americans is probably not much more than…


Having just completed a well-deserved and long-deferred vacation, I am now questioning the wisdom and efficacy of that course of action, weighing the relief of…

Allman For Prez

I have always liked the "well-oiled machine" comparison, evoking as it does images of briskly humming gears, cogs, cams, and belts efficently spinning away and…

To Shoot Or Not To Shoot

So: guns. Quite the prevailing topic of conversation these days. Everyone seems to have an opinion on the subject, no one is shy about expressing…

Just Desserts

I was getting ice cream at the Baskin-Robbins at Pear Tree, feeling a little uncomfortable and out of place. Ice cream parlors, with their brightly-lit,…

Irony Sufficiency

I am a big fan of irony, as a literary device. I enjoy its use by writers and I employ it liberally myself virtually every,…
