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Posts published by “David Yearsley”

Triumph Of Will

When a friend tells you he is going to make a feature film, it’s rather like hearing him say he plans to climb Mt. Everest.…

The Soccer Choruses Of Anfield

For an American musical expatriate with ample means and the right connections that money brings, a musical tour of Europe might include Wagner in Bayreuth…

Blade Runner’s Many Lives

Recent news that Ridley Scott has signed on to do a sequel to his 1982 film Blade Runner fills that movie’s devotees with a mixture…

The Debt Cantata

That debt and sin are synonymous in Christian thought and liturgy might help explain the righteousness of Tea Party discourse, as well as the genuflections…

Die Walküre Blazes In The Burbs

They were still there long after the last showing of Kung Fu Panda 2, the vampire-tracking Priest (in 3D!), and The Hangover 2 had released…

Miley Cyrus & The Bin Laden Death Fest

Here in the Homeland there is jubilation. The YouTube site of teen idol, Miley Cyrus’s “Party in the USA” hosted the virtual party to celebrate…

George Harrison & The Taxman

For me it is life and taxes that are inseparable: I was born on April 15. Only when I turned forty, six years ago did…

Lessons Of The Oscars

Think back all of a week or less — an eternity as measured by the ADHD chronometers of pop culture — to the conclusion of…

In Defense Of Christina Aguilera

Few things are more entertaining than defenses of the indefensible, as was proven by the charge of the lite brigade into the blathersphere earlier this…
