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Posts published by “Bruce Anderson”

Pinches & The Pictographs

There are people who have lived all their lives in Mendocino County who don’t know where Island Mountain is and have never been to Covelo. This County is a big place with secrets and mysteries…

The Night The World Ended

It was the last hours of 1999. Lots of people who should know better had predicted that the world would end at midnight. The computers that run industrial civilization wouldn’t be able to make the…

Anderson Valley’s Last Pot Bust

It was October of 1999 when California's Attorney General made national news by announcing that marijuana cops had racked up a record haul of marijuana from Mendocino County gardens. The Attorney General's triumphant press release…

The Mystery of Graveyard Creek

One sunny day more than a few years ago, Don Pardini was working in Evergreen Cemetery when a couple of odd-looking bones caught his eye. They weren’t hog bones, deer bones, dog bones, cat bones,…

Killed Without Dying

Late on a sun-baked October afternoon in 1995, an attractive, 60-ish woman named Jodine Lesieur drove home after a long day cutting hair in her busy Laytonville barber shop. She turned west at the CDF…

Beyond the Garden Gate

One of my first memories is of a huge Victorian on McAllister Street near Fillmore in San Francisco where my family lived in 1944. The rambling old structure, which I believe had survived the Great…
