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Posts published by “Bruce Anderson”

Lights Out Gang Visits Boonville

The big moon shone down on a cold and clear Anderson Valley last Thursday night to choruses of barking dogs and yipping coyotes celebrating the…

Recommended Reading

Catch/Release by David Ollier Weber, lately of Comptche presently of Placerville. A novel set here in the Emerald Triangle's most exciting outback venues, mostly along…

The Rest of the Story

Back in July, a jolly account of a drunk driving accident appeared in the Fort Bragg Advocate. It said that “Dr. Brett W. Stine had…

Tiburcio Vasquez, Highway Robber

Tiburcio Vasquez was, for a time, the best known outlaw in America and, as described in a just-released biography called Bandito by San Francisco-based John…

The Woman from Milan

This e-mail recently wafted out of cyber-space and on into our Boonville office: "I'm very appreciate to know you. Did you read someone in the…

The Giants, A Breathless Look Back

The Giants have fixated my feeble attentions to the point of mesmerization. As a kid, I saw lots of Seal's ball games at the old…

Hell’s Housesitter

A Coast couple was off to Mexico for the winter of 2008, secure, they thought, that their home and aged pets, a dog and a…

Fair Notes

Rain threatened all weekend and finally fell in light mists late Friday and Saturday, just enough to sweeten the day-time air which, by early morning,…

Flying To Eugene, A Short Story

Chris Jones, now a resident of Eugene, Oregon, says hello to all his friends, and is especially grateful to Morgan Baynham for Morgan's recent letter…

Margie Handley’s Neighborhood

Marge Handley, the prominent Willits heiress and Republican philanthropist, owns a modest new home in a struggling subdivision off East Hill Road in South Willits…

Will Lisa Get Her Sulcatas Back?

Lisa Chiapero and Mike Moilanen recently drove from Fort Bragg to Ukiah to visit their close friends Lucy, Pedro and Low Boy, a trio of…
