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Posts published by “Bruce Anderson”

People I Knew

The late Max Crawford’s last novel was called, “Wamba.” According to the flier announcing it … “After years away, Roy Alan Richardson has come home…


“Is this that political-type paper,” a tentative female voice asked when I picked up the phone. I suppose, I answered, forever not knowing what might…

Justice Court Adventures

Not long before the Anderson Valley Justice Court was folded into the County Courthouse, Ukiah, a young man charged with driving on a suspended license…


MSA is short for “moving stuff around.” MSA goes way back in my family. I’ve been MSA-ing for 50 years because my annual income has…

Health Mission At Mission Bay

San Francisco here I come, right back where I started from… Literally true for me. I landed as a two-year-old on the run from Pearl…

The Day They Burned The Apple Trees

“Why it's positively Vesuvian out there!” exclaimed a nicely dressed forty-ish woman waiting at the counter of Café Glad in Boonville for the decaf latte…

Pinches & The Pictographs

There are people who have lived all their lives in Mendocino County who don’t know where Island Mountain is and have never been to Covelo.…
