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Posts published by “Bruce Anderson”

Baseball, A Memory In One Breath

The Giants of 2010 fixated my feeble attentions to the point of mesmerization. As a kid, I saw lots of ball games at the old Seal's Stadium at 16th and Potrero. I remember the time…

When There Were Radicals In Mendocino County

The history of Mendocino County is told in fits and starts, in family memoirs, old timer interviews and in whispered references to long-ago scandals only hinted at by the newspapers of the time. “The Nelson…

What Happened To Rodney Cole At Coast Hospital (Feb. 2009)

One night, Rodney Cole, age 71, was going about his custodial duties at Coast Hospital, Fort Bragg, when he felt someone watching him. He looked around and saw his idle workmate, a young man of…

Rabbani Kenyon’s Landmark Art

In December of 2008 the late Johnny Winter, famous blues musician, appeared in Navarro to perform at the Navarro Store. That appearance was improbable bordering on the impossible. A man who played to thousands was…

Jim Jones In Mendocino County

Another Anniversary of Jim Jones' mass murder of his black parishioners in Guyana was recorded on November 8th, but if it was noted anywhere I didn't see it. Usually the grisly event is squeezed by…

The Hitchhiker [December, 2008]

The hitchhiker was at the Boonville exit on 101. It was about noon. As I passed her she clasped her hands in mock prayer and shot me desperate eyeballs that pleaded with me to please,…

Pearl Harbor Survivor [my annual remembrance]

Count me as one. I was two, my brother one, when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, on December 7, 1941. My brother and I were born in Honolulu, Our paternal grandfather, a Scots immigrant, was…
