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Posts published by “Alexander Cockburn”

The China Trade

One of the most enduring farces in American foreign policy has been underway in China this week: Secretary of State Madeleine Albright allegedly engaging in tough talk about human rights. Just how tough the talk…

Clinton’s Acquittal

There are two ways to look at Bill Clinton’s persecution, both of them valid, one inspiriting and the other dismal. The inspiriting truth about the long scandal, terminated by senatorial acquittal of the president last…

National Notes

Many people go through life rehearsing a role they feel that the fates have in store for them, and I've long thought that Christopher Hitchens has been asking himself for years how it would feel to plant the Judas kiss

Guinea Pigs

The New York Post has, quite rightly, been raising a fuss over the disclosure that patients in the state health system are being dosed with experimental drugs. The Post has been breaking hair-raising stories about…

Hoist Up the Old John D.

Years ago I persuaded Andrew Kopkind to help me drive a 1962 Imperial LeBaron from Coral Gables to Vermont. We had not been many hours on the road before Andrew’s skills in using his credit…

My Lai Massacre: The Shame That Survives

On March 16, 1968, US soldiers killed 504 Vietnamese villagers on March 16, 1968. The 30th anniversary in 1998 was an opportunity to to give Americans a warm glow. The warmth came of course from…

Letter to Michael Moore

Dear Michael, You probably thought to yourself, with that blend of self-righteous self-pity you have made your own, that when Mugger had sharp things to say about you in a recent New York Press column,…
