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Posts published by “Alexander Cockburn”

Imbecilic Tedium

The presidential campaign plummeted into imbecilic tedium last night in Nashville as Barack Obama and John McCain faced off in the second debate. The encounter…

Farewell to Our Greatest President

We bid a sad adieu to Gerald Ford. Here at CounterPunch it has always been our position that Gerald Ford was America's greatest President. Transferring…

How the FBI Spied On Edward Said

“The FBI has a long, ignoble tradition of monitoring and harassing America’s top intellectuals. While people ranging from Albert Einstein, William Carlos Williams to Martin…

Death, Depression and Prozac

Jeff Weise, teen slayer of 10 including himself at the Redlake Indian reservation in northern Minnesota, was on Prozac, prescribed by some doc.  How did…

Three Card Monte and the One-Party State

How lion-like the Democrats sound as they circle around Social Security, bellowing their defiance! After years of servility some of them even presume to shake…

Candidate Kerry

I tried shouting “Kerry-Edwards” on the step out to my garden. The cat yawned and the flowers drooped. Democrats know this in their hearts. Twit…

America’s Greatest Editor Moves On

By year’s end the greatest newspaper in the United States will have relocated from California’s North Coast to Eugene, Oregon. Bruce Anderson is leaving Boonville.…
