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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

Off the Record

This week: The mythical Willits bypass, the problem with the Supes, the PD on Boaz and much more.

Valley People

WITH THE VOTE certified late Monday afternoon, we learned that Measure A, the $15.25 million bond to rehab Boonville's school buildings, was approved by almost…

Off the Record

This Week: The AVA's missing stash, damage control on the Hudson, texting for CHPpers and much more...

Valley People

THE STATE Regional Water Quality Control Board, headquartered in lush leather offices in Santa Rosa, has notified Carolyn Short, former owner of Jeff's Chevron next…

Letters to the Editor

THE TAO OF NOW Editor, When isn't the United States of America at war? The Taoist ethic says, “Arms are the instruments of unhappi­ness, not…

Off the Record

This week: Notes on election results, Dennis Boaz and a couple that Fed-Ex pot and leave their kids in the car while boozing.

Valley People

A YOUNG WOMAN from Chico is doubly nonplused at the loss of her I-Phone. Nonplused at herself for walking off without the phone after enjoying…

Letters to the Editor

MARGINALIA Editor: Here are some humbly suggested marginalia. Comparisons are slippery. Any ordinary city is in fact two cities, one a city of the poor,…

Valley People

SATURDAY NIGHT, June 12th, Anderson Valley's Community Chorus presents its annual Spring Concert at Lauren's Restaurant, 9pm. If you get out to one event all…
