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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

Letters to the Editor

SAKO’S RETIREMENT PROBS AGAIN Dear Editor: The main thing voters should know in this election is that much of Mendocino County politics has been cor­rupt…

Valley People

THE TOLL HOUSE has not only been spared what was shaping up as its slow motion demise, but the historic way station in Bell Valley…

Off the Record

LAST WEEK'S COVELO pot sweep netted more outsiders than Covelo people at modest grow sites. Included in the lengthy roster of arrests were a German…

Off the Record

This Week: The execution of Albert Brown, Mendo's mental health mercenaries, Hamburg v. Liberty and much more

Sheriff’s Log

9/20 10:08pm A man in one vehicle was following a woman in another as both raced down Highway 128 in what seemed to be a…

Valley People

5-YEAR-OLD Leslie Bucio Solano of Philo has been diagnosed with leukemia. This Saturday Oct. 2nd 4-11 PM at the Philo Grange there will be a…

Letters to the Editor

ABUSED & HAUNTED Editor, Lifting the lid on Fort Bragg Elder abuse: I have been the e-victim of mental elder abuse from slumlordies (M/F) three…

Letters to the Editor

LOSE’EM-ALL LOSES AGAIN Dear Editor, Hello to the great readers of the AVA. This is Timo­thy Elliott once again. I would like to ask for…

Valley People

TWO MEN wanted on charges that they kidnapped and raped a 14-year-old girl who managed a daring escape two years ago in Boonville will be…
