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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

Mendocino County Today: January 9, 2013

SHIELA DAWN TRACY puts a lot of time and effort into her reporting on pseudo-public radio KZYX, a mostly tax-supported non-profit radio station run by…

Off The Record

WELL, IT'S NOT a face that inspires much confidence, a phrenologist might say, but it's also a face that represents the Obama administration's lack of…

Valley People

EVERYONE'S pleased that the DA took one look at the police report on the alleged after-hours hijinks at the Boonville Saloon and tossed it. No…

Mendocino County Today: January 8, 2013

THE NEW BOOK by Stephen Sparks and Mendocino County Sheriff Tom Allman, mentioned in last week's AVA and reviewed this week — “Out there in…

Mendocino County Today: January 7, 2012

A THOUSAND LIVES — The Untold Story of JonesTown by Julia Scheeres isn't what the mighty AVA would recommend as must reading, but for those…

Mendocino County Today: January 6, 2012

GOOD TO READ that Linda Williams of the Willits News has re-visited the unsolved murder of Les Crane, a Laytonville marijuana crusader shot to death…

Mendocino County Today: January 5, 2012

THE AVA'S ACE Courthouse reporter, Bruce McEwen, is looking for a Ukiah-area berth from which to resume reporting on crime and punishment in Mendocino County.…

Mendocino County Today, January 4, 2012

THE DESCENT OF A NATION Compare the 1912 Elections with the 2012 Elections By Ralph Nader Before the electoral year of 2012 slinks into history,…

Letters To The Editor

WHEN THE LITTLE HAND… Editor -- Back in the early 1940s a troop ship left the East Coast bound for Britain. As the ship cleared…
