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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

Valley People

THE ANDERSON VALLEY SCHOOL BOARD seems poised not to renew high school principal James Tomlin's contract. The majority board sentiment to remove Tomlin was apparently…

Mendocino County Today: February 18, 2013

HUMBOLDT COUNTY POLICE recently found a small cave filled with more than 100 firearms, 117 pounds of marijuana, stolen vehicles and $12,000 in cash. The…

Mendocino County Today: February 17, 2013

LETTER OFTHE WEEK: SHE'S AVAILABLE Editor, I'm sure most of the population of the world, including the majority of Catholics, are unaware that the college…

Mendocino County Today: February 16, 2013

MICHAEL TOMS of New Dimensions Radio has died from diabetes at age 72. Toms cashed in on the national narcissism known as the “consciousness movement,”…

Mendocino County Today: February 15, 2013

THURSDAY MORNING'S PRESS DEMOCRAT contained a minor masterpiece of grammatical Stalinism followed by Nice Person Stalinism, Mendo style. Discussing the hiring of former Willits City…

Mendocino County Today: February 14, 2013

ONLINE DATING. By Jeff Costello Am I admitting this? Yes, I guess so. I've been married (using the term loosely) twice, have four grown kids…

Mendocino County Today: February 13, 2013

I NEVER THOUGHT I'd be saying that the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors is savvier and more on-task than the San Francisco Board of Supervisors,…

Mendocino County Today: February 12, 2013

THE PERILS OF BLIND OBEDIENCE. Just in from the Sheriff: “On February 08, 2013 around 11:45am, Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office K-9 ‘Argus’ died as a…

Mendocino County Today: February 11, 2013

THE KEEGAN MURDER CASE remains on hold. How long will it remain on hold? If we weren't talking about a murder it would be laughable…
