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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

Mendocino County Today: February 25, 2013

THE STATE JUDICIAL COUNCIL has put off funding the new Mendocino County Courthouse for another year, fiscal year 2014-15 to be exact. The money for…

Mendocino County Today: February 24, 2013

HOW ONE SENTENCE Saved Me from Living My Whole Life as a Well-Meaning Hick By Hank Sims I often think it must be easier to…

Mendocino County Today: February 22, 2013

JEFF COSTELLO WRITES: Got my last issue here in Portland on Wednesday, as the next issue was being distributed in Mendo. Sometimes it gets here…

Letters To The Editor

STOP FISH POACHING! Editor, Illegal poaching on the Garcia River / Feds asleep at the wheel. I’d like to share with you a heartbreaking story…

Mendocino County Today: February 21, 2013

SNOW ON THE HILLS Tuesday afternoon broke up the blandly balmy previous two weeks of summer-like days. At the higher elevations Hull Mountain to the…

A Plea For Justice At Kent State

Was It about Civil Rights or Murdering Student Protesters? On February 9, 2013, the Kent State Truth Tribunal and Allison Krause’s family submitted a list…

Mendocino County Today: February 19/20

CONGRESSIONAL REPRESENTATIVE LYNN WOOLSEY and Senator Barbara Boxer have long been champions of expanding the Cordell Banks and Gulf of the Farallones Marine Sanctuaries as…

Off The Record

LAST MAY we wrote about an often-arrested 28-year-old Albion man named Riley Kiesel. He'd been permanently 86'd from Dick's Place in Mendocino, but was charged with…
