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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

Mendocino County Today: August 16, 2013

JOAN RAINVILLE, 53, the Ukiah woman who, drunk, drove her mother's car through a neighbors' fence and into their backyard party, will indeed face jury…

Letters To The Editor

FOR US AND US ALONE’ Editor, At June 26, 2013, Point Arena School Board Meeting under Discussion with Action an item to approve Point Arena…

Mendocino County Today: August 15, 2013

VOICES OF GRACE WOMEN’S ENSEMBLE will be performing at Valley Bible Fellowship, 14251 Highway 128, (Across from the Fairgrounds office), Boonville  CA  95415. On Sunday,…

Mendocino County Today: August 14, 2013

MENDOCINO COUNTY has needed a slaughterhouse forever, and maybe we're about to get one. The Economic Development & Financing Corporation (EDFC) will hold a public…

Off The Record

WE’VE COMPLAINED for years that California River Watch, vaguely based in Occidental (Sonoma County), is operated as a  shakedown racket by a man named Jack…

Valley People

A CLOSER LOOK at the thuggish dismissal of Kathy Corral reveals that the overall survival of the Anderson Valley Health Center might be more precarious…

Mendocino County Today: August 13, 2013

NORM FLUHER of Mendocino's venerable Blair House used to sit on the board of the Mendocino County Lodging Association until he was purged from that…

Mendocino County Today: August 12, 2013

THE UKIAH VALLEY Medical Center is a for-profit medical complex owned and operated by the tax-exempt 7th Adventist Church. The Center announced last week that…

Mendocino County Today: August 11, 2013

WE’VE COMPLAINED for years that California River Watch, in Occidental, is operated as a non-profit shakedown racket by a man named Jack Silver. Silver rifles…
