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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

Mendocino County Today: October 31, 2013

WE ALL KNOW that among us walk the credulous. But credulity is one thing, lunacy another. 5th District supervisor, Dan Hamburg, a former Congressman, has crossed the line. He thinks 9-11 was an inside job…

Letters To The Editor

WHO IS ERICK GELHAUS? Dear Editor: Enclosed, please find my research from an "Intelius Background Check" on Sonoma County deputy, Erick Gelhaus, who shot 13-year old Andy Lopez seven times, killing him, on October 22,…

Off The Record

DIANE ZUCKER has died. A long time resident of Ukiah, and before Ukiah, Fort Bragg, Diane was perhaps best known as a member of the Mendocino County School Board, serving for many years as a…

Valley People

ANDERSON VALLEY'S latest legal crop? “Boonville piment d'ville, a sweet, spicy, basque red chile, sown, grown & harvested by locals, Mendocino County, fall 2013 crop.” The peppers, not grown anywhere else in the United States,…

Mendocino County Today: October 30th, 2013

  DIANE ZUCKER has died. A long time resident of Ukiah, and before Ukiah, Fort Bragg, Diane was perhaps best known as a member of the Mendocino County School Board, serving for many years as…

Zotter’s Ghost & Other Frightening Supes News

The Board Of Supervisors approved the Mendocino Town Plan at a tumultuous meeting in the town of Mendocino on Tuesday. The key remaining issue was possible designation of the town as a “Sensitive Coastal Resource…

Mendocino County Today: October 29, 2013

Bert Schlosser’s noisy, crazy, woozy, boozy days are gone, and so is Bert. The wildest man and the best lawyer in Mendocino County’s pond of criminal defense practitioners leaves a legacy unmatched and unmatchable.

Mendocino County Today: October 27, 2013

A READER POINTS to the relevant Brown Act law and wonders why the Supervisors don't bother to report out of closed session in the legally mandated manner. We wonder too. We also wonder why closed…
