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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

Mendocino County Today: January 26, 2014

DROUGHT NOTES: It is easy to forget that the only natural force over which we have any control out here is water, and that only recently. In my memory California summers were characterized by the…

Mendocino County Today: January 25, 2014

SO MUCH WATER is moved around California by so many different agencies that maybe only the movers themselves know on any given day whose water is where.

Mendocino County Today: January 24, 2014

WILL PARRISH TAKES TWO-YEAR INFRACTION PLEA DEAL by Tiffany Revelle Willits bypass protester Will Parrish took a plea deal in Mendocino County Superior Court Thursday in the trespassing case against him stemming from his 11-day…

Mendocino County Today: January 23, 2014

WILL PARRISH is due in Mendocino County Superior Court Thursday morning where, it appears, an announcement will be made that his case has been settled.

Letters (Jan 22, 2014)

The current drought appears to have elevated the Supervisors concern regarding water supply. Water issues, supply and quality, should always be a high priority. The County has a history of misplacing emphasis and concern in dealing with water issues.

Beauty, Tranquility And Poverty

I moved to Willits 12 years ago. On occasion, "I am asked how do I like the area?" Generally, I am reluctant to answer because I have mixed thoughts. I am surrounded by beauty and tranquility but find little connection with the town itself and only few of its people.

Off The Record (Jan 22, 2014)

IT HASN'T RAINED, really rained, since December of 2012. Now that it's likely that the summer months will begin with no water reserves anywhere in the County, the full array of drought-caused catastrophes will be unleashed, from large-scale wildfires to much higher food prices to the death of this year's fish runs.

Valley People (Jan 22, 2014)

THE CLOSING of Laughing Dogs Books is another body blow to the commercial life of central Boonville. Worse, it's a right to the jaw of our town's cultural life. You can also say it's a third blow to the tourism we are now so dependent on because Laughing Dogs' charming proprietor, Loretta Hauck, also functioned as the go-to person for many travelers-through, and so good at it it was almost as if she'd been specially selected for the task.

Mendocino County Today: January 22, 2014

WHO COULD HAVE IMAGINED that endlessly sunny days, day-time temperatures in the 70s, could become ominous, oppressive even to those of us who assume rainy winters? We’re writing lots about the drought because it is The Story for California.
