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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Local Campaign Finance;
Willits Roundabout;
Getting Old;
Seeking Solidarity;
32 Poets;
Frost Monster Action;
Police Reports;
France Today;
Trashing San Francisco

Mendocino County Today: May 27, 2014

Celebration Sours;
Covelo Slaying;
Cleone Collision;
Boonville Memorial;
Private Anderson;
Spotters Needed;
Beerfest Improvements;
Prosecutorial Procedures;
Lake County Fire;
Dope Prices;
Hering Groove;
To Do List;
Perv Overload;
Overturn Citizens United;
Perv Check;
Scrap Metal Heist;
Move To Amend;
Madrigal Madrigal;
Corporate Crime;
War Movies

Spring Salad U

We are hosting a Late Spring Salad class with a look at some water-conserving strategies on Floodgate Farm on Heart Mountain. In addition to tasting and discussing the health-giving properties of 40 salad ingredients, we…

Time & Materials:

"Growth Rings" exhibit provides retrospective on work of College of the Redwoods Fine Woodworking Program graduates by Roberta Werdinger On Friday, June 6, from 5 to 8 pm, the Grace Hudson Museum will host an…

Mendocino County Today: Monday, May 26, 2014

Sign Thief;
Prosecution Envy;
L.A. Times;
The Coffee Thing;
McCarthyism at Public Radio;
Odd Bodkins;
Dickens on Vacation;
The Unknown Citizen;
Truth, Facts & Bullshit;
Americans Kill People;
Crushing Grief

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, May 25, 2014

Sign Thief Revealed;
Bypass Won't Help Willits;
The Angry Virgin;
Greg King in Gualala;
Dover Beach;
Committee Approves Fracking Moratorium;
Confessions of a Coffee Jock

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, May 24, 2014

County's Marijuana Strategy Sued;
Sheriffs Oppose Courthouse Move;
Meteor Shower;
MTA Thoughts;
Three Statisticians;
The Warrior's Heart;
What Ghosts Want;
Broken Promises;
Bad Time to Shoplift;
Implications of LeValley Sentencing

Mendocino County Today: Friday, May 23, 2014

Caltrans Wants $150,000 from Parrish;
Mental Crisis Van;
Antifreeze for Plants;
Knock Knock;
FB Garden Cafe;
College Graduates;
Homeless Homes;
Health Center Board;
Candidates on Pot;
Police Reports

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, May 22, 2014

LeValley Sentenced;
Calfire Top Heavy;
Cannabis Licensing Imminent;
Who Said That?;
Off-air Behavior;
DMV Visit;
Interim Library Director;
Lake County DA;
Police Calls;
Sheriff's Reports;
Monterey Shale Downgraded
