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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Preliminary Election Results;
Masonite Water Right Revoked;
Incompetents, Not Fascists;
Noise Investigation;
Husch Hand Digging;
Home Run BBQ;
Catch of the Day;
Police Calls;
Ukiah/Hopland Fire;
No Bookmobile Today;
Comptche BBQ;
Willits Wetlands;
The Oligarchy;
Modern Physics;
Dog Killers

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Pension Tension;
Bypass Modification;
Police Calls;
Medical Assistants;
ElderHome Fundraiser;
Big Easy's Krishna;
Biography for the Birds;
Little Bighorn (Day 4);
Tie Goes to the Fracker

Turning the Wheel of Life

‘Woven Worlds’ illuminates past, present of Mendocino County native peoples. On Saturday, June 21, the Mendocino County Museum will welcome all to a reception for "Woven Worlds," a permanent exhibit celebrating the Native American heritage…

Horns & Okra, Ukiah, Sunday, June 15

The Dirty Dozen Brass Bandwill Perform First Concert At Sundays In The Park Concerts on Sunday June 15th in Todd Grove Park at 6pm. Fowler Auto & Truck Center, The City of Ukiah, KWNE-FM and…

Mendocino County Today: Monday, June 2, 2014

SF Yesterday & Today;
Crazy Gun Laws;
Water Issues;
Rural Skills;
Quieter Fans;
Sunbeam Lovers;
Wolf Fear;
Election Day;
Writer's Face;
Catch of the Day;
Little Bighorn (Day 3);
Helpless Americans;
First Yosemite Photographs

Straw Bale House Building

The Solar Living Institute in Hopland will offer a weekend workshop on “How to Build A Straw Bale House” on June 7 and 8 from 9 am to 5 pm. This popular course will give…

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, June 1, 2014

Hit & Walk;
Drunken Consequences;
Playing Water Gods;
Postal Mysteries;
Poor Political Power;
Prohibition Countdown;
Catch of the Day;
Police Calls;
In Some Summers;
Little Bighorn (Day 2);
Botched Lethal Injection

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, May 31, 2014

Russian River Water Rights;
KZYX Snub;
Vintner Disregard;
Revolutionary Success;
Catch of the Day;
Police Calls;
Poisons Discontinued;
Jim Browneagle Interview;
Little Bighorn
