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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

Off the Record (July 30, 2014)

THE SAD SAGA of the Berry family, though extreme, seems to be the tip of a much larger problem, specifically the suspiciously large number of women being arrested for domestic assault. The numbers seem to…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, July 30, 2014

CPS Decisions;
Trickles Trickling;
Benefit Carnival;
Ellen Tinkler;
Studying Hippies;
Head Space;
Sheriff Reports;
Catch of the Day;
Best Cigarette;
Israel & Palestine;
College Registration;
Business Competition;
Greenwashing Destruction

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Springs Fire;
Berry Nightmare;
Manbeat Epidemic?;
KZYX Issues;
Ramblin' Jack;
Collins v Heilig;
Israeli Impunity;
Craig Contemplates Cali;
Capturing Moisture;
Free Money;
Gualala Demonstration;
County Budget Tour;
Catch of the Day

Mendocino County Today: Monday, July 28, 2014

Goat Herding;
Before Krukow;
Early Acorns;
Elsie Whipple;
Suicide Net;
Shower Bus;
Verbal Abuse;
Humco Squatters;
Israel’s Attack;
Humco Weed Events;
Measure Arrh;
Red Abalone;
Catch of the Day

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, July 27, 2014

Terrorism at Home;
Navarro Algae;
AVHC Board Agenda;
Music Director Needed;
A Girl;
Light Cries Foul;
Keyboard Shortcuts;
Print On;
Catch of the Day;
Gualala Demonstration;
Oily Business Practices

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, July 26, 2014

Hot Week;
Dry Times;
Newspaper Turnips;
River Gone;
Dangerous Literature;
WPA Mural;
Catch of the Day;
Enemy Radio;
Gaza 2009;
The Gatekeepers;
Federal Buzzkill;
Water Waste;
Five Bells

Sustainable Ag 116

Mendocino College is offering a new class on sustainable farming. Agriculture 116 (Fall 2014): Sustainable Agricultural Systems with Rain Tenaqiya, permaculture designer and author of West Coast Food Forestry This course will cover the history,…

Max Dashu!

Janie Rezner's guest on Women's Voices, KZYX, August 4 at 7pm PT, will be scholar Max Dashu, who has researched global women's history and cultural studies, and whose legendary Archives of Suppressed Histories hold a…

Mendocino County Today: Friday, July 25, 2014

Forgotten People;
Geyserville Truth;
The Deserters;
Two-Hour Execution;
Mendocino College;
Supes in Covelo;
Input Here;
Ukiah Chemists;
Catch of the Day;
Crackpot Wisdom;
Disproportionate Force;
Sanctuary Forest;
Israeli Insanity;
Jim Larsen;
Craig on the Couch
