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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

Mendocino County Today, Saturday, September 27, 2014

Reckless Pedalling;
Boonville Homestead;
Body Found;
Catch of the Day;
Marijuana Darkside;
Creepy Mascot;
Cootchy Cookies;
Drought Fault;
KZYX Birthday;
Meeting Delay;
Salad University;
Food News;
Marijuana Actuary;
HHSA Excitements;
Lone Gentleman;
Campfire Permits;
Laytonville Ecovillage;
MCOG Events;
Stehr Dimension

Mendocino County Today: Friday, September 26, 2014

Fall Weather;
Bypass Troubles;
Mayberry Hired;
KZYX Photos;
Losak's Raise;
Andrew Fisch;
Police Reports;
Catch of the Day;
FB Water Storage;
Laundromat Dry;
Truth Encounter;
Nuclear Fleecing;
American Warmaking;
Deadbeat Dams;
Who's on Iraq?

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, September 25, 2014

Bypass Protests Return;
Yanking Huff's Chain;
PD Wineflash;
Pot Lessons;
MCOE Money Trail;
Catch of the Day;
Mental Health History;
Kingpins of Carbon;
Explaining a Few Things;
Big Oil Brown

Letters (Sep 24, 2014)

The Point Arena School Board Meeting was like a really bad reality show!

Petra Schulte from Fort Bragg Unified Schools gave a presentation regarding the importance of students having a healthy diet and exercise. During the presentation Superintendant Cross fiddled with her computer looking completely bored. At the end Trustee DeWilder stated, “I prefer a McDonald's hamburger, fries and a coke, it just tastes better.”

Off the Record (Sep 24, 2014)

ALL I GOTTA SAY is some people have an awful lotta time on their hands. Seriously, by the time you got the costume on and all chained up to the wheel of love, wouldn't you just want to go to sleep?

Valley People (Sep 24, 2104)

CONNOISSEURS of wacky public meetings might want to attend the Health Center’s meetings as its overlarge board of trustees goes all sphinx on locals trying to pry info out of them. This is what happens: The locals “vent” as the trustees look back at them as if they’re not there. The eight sphinxes don’t look angry or amused or haughty or anything at all other than blindly disinterested. It’s weird, and twice as weird when you know that the 8 Health Center sphinxes have known everyone in the audience for many years. It would be as if your family and friends suddenly began looking at you as if you weren’t there. Kinda eerie, actually, like out of a horror movie.

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, September 24, 2014

LaRue Kobrin;
MCOE Travel;
Voter Purge?;
Bypass Blockade;
Iacuaniello Speaks;
Water Czar;
Musselwhite in Navarro;
Catch of the Day;
Escapee Apprehended;
Vail Money;
Privatization Con;
Privatization Pro;
Santa Clara Niners;
Gluten Prayer;
Warming Video

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Navarro Pumpers;
Sphinx Meeting;
Duck Junkets;
Conservative Libs;
MCOE Fear;
Honest Exchange;
Nelson Fire;
Finicky Diners;
Silent Board;
AVHC Machinations;
Peace Rally;
My Love;
Mendo History;
Catch of the Day;
Hendy Improvements;
Exporting Mayhem;
Friending Bethany;
Yes S;
Climate March;
SOD Blitz

Saving Mendo History

The Friends of the Observatory monthly lecture series will feature Dr. Paul Poulos, board member of the Mendocino County Historical Society, presentation of “From the Eye of the Beholder: Saving Mendocino County’s History and Preserving…
