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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, Oct 7, 2014

Precipitous Fall;
Silly People;
Pinches' Views;
Audio Cuckoo;
Slappy Pokey;
Catch of the Day;
Ode to Ukiah;
Hunter Found;
Village Thieves;
Zombie Apocalypse;
Fire Fight;
Warning Signs;
Life Is;
People First;
Carroll Statement;
Laytonville Quakes;
Endless War

Mendocino County Today: Monday, Oct 6, 2014

Third District Supervisor Endorsement;
Midnight Rambler Decision;
Classic Baseball;
Catch of the Day;
Odd Bodkins;
Free Eye Screenings;
Boonville Mini-Farm Workshop;
Request for Septic Delay;
Hank3 Interview;

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, Oct. 5, 2014

Giants Win Marathon;
Voter Guide;
Reject Losak's Raise;
Behead the PD;
Cliff Driver;
Love-in-it Claims;
Catch of the Day;
Food as Medicine;
Home Burial;
Profound Changes;
Over & Out;
Alan Stein's Lament

Willits Earthquake

3.9 earthquake, Saturday morning, 8:45am, 14 kilometers SW of Willits.   

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, Oct 4, 2014

Neurotic Youth;
Giants Win;
Lucky Bobcat;
Native Gardening;
Police Reports;
Catch of the Day;
Eel Salmon Run;
Pot Initiative;
S Fundraiser;
Our Whole Life;
Fire Losak;
Mellow Mendo;
Local Food;
Rare Gold;
Mowing Palestinians;
Craig Scores

Mendocino County Today: Friday, Oct 3, 2014

Mendocino's Future;
Pump or Blow;
Power Scam;
Radio Politics;
MendoTV Confusion;
Young Giants;
American Sins;
Marijuana History;
My Ass;
Albion Organizes;
PA Agenda;
Israel's Crimes;
I Out;
Insincere Language;
Catch of the Day;
JDSF Road Closure

Library News

Chris Hansen Will Share His New Bird Photography Book At Mendocino County Library, Willits Branch Willits Library is proud to present local author, Chris Hansen, on Wednesday, October 15th at 6:00 PM. Chris will show…

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, October 2, 2014

Grapes' Legal Whiff;
Crawford's Slam;
Allman's Losak Complaint;
Expensive County Process;
Police Reports;
Lost Phone;
Local Food News;
Will Parrish Appreciation;
Brown Bills;
Yes on S;
Catch of the Day;
Walton Money

MRC — Same Old Same Old

The Fisher family of San Francisco owns the Mendocino Redwood Company and the Humboldt Redwood Company. They've made pots of dough in the garment industry and, it almost goes without saying, are politically well-connected to…
